IT Myths: What’s True and What’s Not?

Debunking common IT myths is essential for making smarter tech decisions and staying secure online

Here are a few common IT myths and the truths behind them…

Fiction: “Public Wi-Fi is safe as long as you avoid sensitive data.”
Fact: Public Wi-Fi networks are generally insecure and prone to hacking. Even if you aren’t accessing sensitive information, criminals can still intercept your data. To browse safely, it’s best to use your mobile data or a virtual private network (VPN) for added security.

Fiction: “A strong password is enough to secure your accounts.”
Fact: Strong passwords are crucial, but on their own, they may not be sufficient. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) provides an additional layer of security by requiring a second form of verification. Even with a strong password, accounts without MFA are more at risk of being compromised.

Fiction: “Charging your phone overnight will damage the battery.”
Fact: Modern smartphones are designed to stop charging once the battery is full, so leaving it plugged in overnight won’t harm the battery. However, consistently letting the battery drain completely or exposing it to excessive heat can impact its long-term health.

Clearing up these common misconceptions helps ensure you’re using your tech devices more securely and efficiently.